Friday, April 23, 2010

Cruising The Coast Highway

My cousin Danielle was in town for the weekend. She was originally going to run the Big Sur Marathon but a ham string injury and good sense kept her from it. But that didn't stop her from having fun. Jefferson, she and I headed to Monterey to pick up her race packet and score some free shwag at the race expo.

We drove down Highway 1 to check out the course she would have run.

I figured since we were already mostly there we should check out McWay Falls too.

image #39,000
photo credit: Danielle

Jefferson had eaten about 10 or so free energy bars from the expo and was feeling a little loaded down after maxing out his calorie intake for the day.

We tried some running photos at Bixby Bridge but the sand dunes north of Monterey turned out better, even if the sun didn't peak through.


Melissa P said...

Looks like you guys had fun!

Toweleez said...

Those are some sweet pics. I want to get one of Radley stepping on the bridge. The lighting on the one of Daniel running on the sand is awesome too. Post some from St. George if you got some good ones.