Yeah it's true. David Archuleta serenaded me.
My friend Amy called me up today and asked if I would drive to Sacramento with her to do some publicity photos for Rising Star. She said we would be photographing David Archuleta. I said sure.
After we got on the road and caught up a bit with each other, I had to ask Amy who this David Archuleta guy was. I figured he was somewhat famous but I hadn't been keeping up with Us Weekly or People and clearly hadn't been watching much TV, so I was a bit out of the loop as far as the phenomenon known as American Idol.
After arriving at a nice hotel, David's manager escorted us to his room and introduced us. It was kinda surreal because he is just a kid. He was super nice and even offered me the complimentary chocolate covered strawberries that were in the room. I quickly set up for our little publicity photoshoot while he typed away on his MacBook Pro likely blogging/Facebooking/Twittering.
As Amy and I tried to figure out how to hang the Rising Star poster for the background I discovered we could hang it from the fire sprinklers. She commented, "Robert, your such a cool guy for doing all this." At which point David busted out with a spontaneous song of, "Robert, he's such a cool guy!"